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The Power of Questions: Your Key to Engagement and Connection

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

A man with many questions

Hey there! Are you or your team struggling with procrastination, low motivation, cameras off in online meetings, or just general disengagement? If so, it’s time to power up your skills by mastering the art of asking questions with genuine curiosity and interest.

Why Questions Matter

Questions are magic—they prompt connection, build understanding, and drive engagement. Michael Bungay Stanier, in his book "The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever," highlights seven essential questions that can transform your interactions:

The Kickstart Question: What’s on your mind?

The AWE Question: And what else?

The Focus Question: What’s the real challenge here for you?

The Foundation Question: What do you want?

The Lazy Question: How can I help?

The Strategic Question: If you are saying Yes to this, what are you saying No to?

The Learning Question: What was most useful for you?

Creating Belonging and Connection

Dr. Pippa Grange, author, speaker, and performance expert, talks about three key elements that foster a sense of belonging and connection: friendship, kindness, and intimacy. While the first two are widely accepted, intimacy often gets sidelined. Yet, it’s this deep connection that helps us face and replace fears, judgement, and loneliness. Intimacy is crucial for teamwork, bonding, and trust. It develops as we truly listen to each other—really listen.

Intimacy is developed through active listening and genuine interest in others. As Johann Hari notes, despite being surrounded by people, many of us feel isolated and lonely. Combatting this requires us to truly listen and engage with those around us.

Introducing Below the Surface

To help you build deeper connections and spark meaningful conversations, we've created a tool called Below the Surface. This card deck activity encourages three levels of questioning:

Level One: Surface questions about work, hobbies, and highlights.

Level Two: Deeper questions about feelings and life experiences.

Level Three: Core questions about inner beliefs, experiences, and emotions.

We've attached a mini pack from the BTS website for you to try. If you enjoy it and want to bring this tool to your workplace or personal relationships, remember that your role as an active listener is crucial. Listen without judgement, ask open-ended questions like “Tell me more about that…”, and refrain from sharing your own experiences to avoid overshadowing others’ stories. This approach ensures a richer, more informative interaction.

Special Offer

For those ready to dive deeper, you can purchase the full 'Below the Surface' game with a special discount. Use the code FESTIVAL at checkout to receive $29.95 off, making it $99.95 plus shipping. Order your copy here.

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Embrace the power of questions and transform your connections today!

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